Accommodation in St.Petersburg — страница 2

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have been opened in that time and new railway stations, mills and factories build. But in spite of democratic reforms many people not satisfied and in that time some terrorists organizations appeared. The have began a real hunting of Alexander II. Finally after explosions in Winter Palace and on the streets of Petersburg, Emperor Alexander II being fatally wounded by Grinevitski's bomb attack on the promenade of Ekaterininsky canal. The unusual cathedral " The Savor on blood" has been built under project of archimandrite Ignaty and architect Parland on the place of bomb attack. The end of XIX and beginning of XX centuries was called as "Silver century". During that time the all kind of art as architecture, painting, poetry, music, theater had got a new

powerful growth. The blocks of building in new Modern style ( in Europe called Jugend style or Ars Nuovo) appeared in the City. You can see different modern styles (Austrian, Scandinavian and etc.) One of the interesting building of this style is house of architect F. Lidval, Kamenoostrovsky avenue 1/3, the hotel "Astoria" the house of Sweden church on the Malaya Konyushennaya street. The other examples of this style are the building of Vitebsky Railway station (architect Minash and Brzhosovsky) the house of Eliseevsky shop (architect Baranovsky), The house of books (architect Syusor), Matilda Kshesinskaya Palace built by architect von Gogen, the houses built by architects Bubyr, Vasiliev and others. In the beginning of 1910 the neo classicism replaced the eclectica

style but this style did not get growth. After revolution, in 1917 and the civil war the style of construction of the city has changed. Not so many masterpieces left from1917, but some interesting building like The Kirov's Cultural Palace and The Lensoveta Cultural Palace, the Ensemble of Komsomol Square can be a symbols of the Soviet time. During 1970th some interesting blocks have been built in the area of river Smolenka, in Kirovsky district of the city. In the nowadays the appearance of the city changes very quick and visitors can see that in 3-4 The aim of course paper is tо learn to work with English literature on specialty and analyze the special literature. The object of this course paper is the tourism in St.Petersburg. The subject of course paper is the accommodations

in St.Petersburg. The problems are: to describe the tourism in St.Petersburg tо consider the accommodations in St.Petersburg So, in this course paper there are some informations about tourism in St.Petersburg and analyze accommodations in St.Petersburg. 1.SAINT-PETERSBURG LIKE THE CENTRE OF TOURISM Saint-Petersburg is the Northern capital of Russia, its cultural, historical and architectural center! Saint-Petersburg was named in honor of patron saint of Peter The Great, who founded the city more than 300 years ago and for more than 200 years (till 1917) it was Russian capital. Peter the Great modeled the city after European capitals and it has been referred as Russia's "Window into Europe" for a long time. St.Petersburg is divided into numerous islands by rivers and

canals and is often called as the "Northern Venice". Saint-Petersburg together with its palaces, museums, theatres, distant suburbs and their parks is renowned piece of the world's cultural heritage. To organize your travel to Saint-Petersburg you can obtain here hotel and homestay accommodation, travel packages, guided tours and other St. Petersburg travel services. General information: THE CITY OVERVIEW: Saint-Petersburg (known as Petrograd in 1914-1924 and as Leningrad in 1924-1991), with 4,7 million inhabitants is the northernmost major city of the world. Here you will find information about our city: history, location, climate and main facts. THE BEST OF SAINT-PETERSBURG: The city of St. Petersburg is known as the cultural treasure house of Russia and it is often

referred to as an Open-Air Museum. There are more than 140 museums and around 100 theatres. Useful for travel information on the best sights, museums, and theatres you can find here. USEFUL TRAVEL INFORMATION: We provide you with useful information on arrival and departure, emergencies and health, money, communication, transportation, shopping, Russian cuisine, holidays and customs. Here are some advices what to pack and a little vocabulary. TIPS: What is the best time for visit to Saint-Petersburg? There are some practical advises and advance tourist tips about Russia's most amazing city. St. Petersburg accommodation: HOTELS: All hotels of St.Petersburg (on-line reservation) from the budget class hotels up to the deluxe hotels with highest standards of service, accommodation and